Got a fairly late start this morning, mostly due to catching up with yesterday's blog report. Sure felt good to crash early last night though so it was worth it.It was almost ten o'clock before I was loaded up and back on the road. zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz
First stop was to gander at one of the biggest lumber operations I've seen so far on this trip. Montana seems to be very conscientious about timber management and it looks it while you're traveling through.
Today's ride would take me along MT 200, another scenic road running along the Blackfoot river and through some beautiful range country.
Blackfoot River |
Montana ranches must be among the most beautiful in the world, all lush and looking well tended, even the smaller spreads.
Some of their houses look like they might belong to a Hobbit or two |
While riding along the Blackfoot I spotted a sign directing tourists to the ghost town of Garnet. I was hooked even though it was an eleven-mile drive, the first half paved and the rest gravel. Dusty gravel. Real dusty gravel...cough cough!
First stop was to look at the tiny cemetery where five miners were buried.
Next was a way-point cabin where travelers could find shelter and emergency rations. It's still in use today.
You might have to share your space with cirtters |
Today's fare included two cans of fruit cocktail & a filtered smoke |
Arriving at Garnet you're impressed with how orderly everything is. Very friendly people working there.
This is a marvelous place to spend a few hours. It's easy to imagine what living here must have been like.
Kitchen in the hotel |
Hotel dining room |
Ghostly person with big ol' belly looking for food |
Newlyweds cabin |
Free rent for newlyweds -wotta deal! |
I probably spent way too much time wandering around Garnet but it was sooo interesting. After getting back on the road and not having any luck scrounging for food in the old hotel dining room I was ready for lunch.
Not too far down the road I came across Trixi's Antler Saloon which from the outside looked like a rough biker bar. Hey, I'm a biker right?
Trixi's Antlered Saloon, home of the porky sandwich |
These be antlers. Montanans know what art's all about |
So you didn't believe me about the Porky sandwich, eh?
Done with the Porky it was time to move along. I'd planned on making better time but the ghost town had really held things up so my day was pretty well shot. I stopped for a quick photo of the Continental Divide sign and a looksee at the Fort Shaw sign, then hightailed it on into Great Falls to look for lodging. Love my GPS, it found the Comfort Inn right next to a Wendy's so I'm in for the night
So there we be boys & girls, a grande day spent chasing ghosts in the Montana hinterlands. The only wild life I saw was an eagle souring overhead but too far away to photograph. Still a great day all told and I'm ready for a lie-down. Even did me laundry!
Today's miserable mileage a meager 204.
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