The Bumblebee and the Vespa 2014

I think it's time for me to redefine what this new blog is about. In the past I've posted individual blogs for motorcycle/motor scooter rides to places like Alaska, Nova Scotia, Key West, Mexico, Canada, New York, etc. That's all well and good but it seems nowadays I'm dividing my rides into shorter ones comprised of two or more weeks each on different bikes. The total time and mileage is about the same, it's just split into multiple rides with a break somewhere in the middle.

The summer of 2014 serves as a good example of that wherein I rode south to Tombstone, AZ on my '92 BMW R100GS Bumblebee/Ural sidecar rig, (phew!) then returned home for a few days and set out again on my '07 Vespa 250ie motor scooter to visit Canada. That summer has gone and the seasons have changed as will the reports, some will be about shorter rides, some will be about maintenance, and maybe on occasion I'll post a photo or two just for interest. I may even introduce other bikes, a few of which are lurking under cover in the barn...

Navigating this blog is easy, just scroll down the list of posts by date to whatever interests you, click on it and you're in. Photos can be viewed in larger format by clicking on them.

Finally, if you'd care to post comments please do so, I'd love to hear from you. CLICK ON "NO COMMENTS" TO ENTER YOUR REMARKS. That seems really silly but that's how it works. The entry window is located at the bottom of each screen. Thanks for visiting, I hope you enjoy your stay.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sep 09 Day 20 - The Old Spanish Trail - St Joseph, MO

Well today's blog is a total bust, I didn't take a single photo nor did I visit any interesting places. I didn't even spot any of those tourist point of interest stops. Crimony, I never even stopped for Gatorade! 

No pics, that's a bummer. But hey, how about this, Linda sent a picture of Riley a couple of days ago and he's always fun to look at.
Hiya Dad, when ya comin' home?

To be 100% truthful I actually did leave the freeway at one point to look at "Historic old town blah blah, only three miles down the road." That was a bust too as the place must not exist anymore. May have gotten plowed under so the locals could plant more corn. Or it got beamed up by Aliens, that's always a possibility. Any of you guys ever see Children of the Corn....

Last night before going  to bed I peeked out the window to see what was up. Rain that's what. During the night I got up a couple of times and looked out, hoping it would stop. Not a chance. This morning it was still coming down. At least I'd parked under the entry roof and put the cover on the Bonnie so it was nice and dry.

I guess if you're going to ride in the rain it's preferable that it starts like it did today, that way you can put all your rain gear on in the motel, not alongside the highway which is a real bugger.

Once I'd geared up I set out for Kansas City, MO where I thought I might stay over but when I arrived the rain had stopped and I wasn't tired so I kept on going. Freeway riding can almost be addictive sometimes, 75 mph really eats up the miles. Just for grins and for a new destination I plugged in "home" and after calculating for a couple of minutes it started posting instructions, heading me north towards Iowa where it will turn me west. At present it's too far away for the GPS to calculate an arrival time but at least it remembers how to get there.

I could probably have continued for another 100 miles but I'd already ridden close to 400 and that's enough for one day especially without photos. A lot of it was in rain which is tiring and I was ready for a break. St Joseph, MO was on the horizon so I opted for it and followed the GPS to the Comfort Inn, another of my sort-of-favorite haunts. The room is great, everything seems to work, especially the A/C so I think I'll just kick back and watch the tube.



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